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P.O. Box 422 Cicero, IN 46034

Morse Waterways Association News Letter 7/20/11

We need your help!
This year marks the 7th year for our annual lake cleanup. We traditional pull 8-10 dump truck loads of logs and debris from the reservoir. As in the past few years, our primary focus will be in Cicero area near the 236th bridge. This location tends to be the holding spot for all the fallen trees coming from Big and Little Cicero Creeks. We want to clean this area prior to the Cicero triathlon on August 6th.

The Cleanup will start at Red Bridge Park at 8:00 and last until 12:00. We need lots of people to work from pontoon boats and walking the shore line. Wear your old clothes and shoes (no sandals). Expect to get wet. In this heat, that could be a welcomed event. We do need people to pick up garbage along the bridge and causeway.

For those of you who live on other areas of the lake and have nuisance logs, please let us know at We will do our best to work with you to get these removed. If you live on the north end of the lake, you can help us by towing your logs to Red Bridge ramp on Saturday morning (or Friday- tie them off with an old rope).

What we need: (Contact Jim at if you can help with either of these 2 items.)
• Pontoon boats to pull logs. Bring ropes.
• Chainsaws and operators for cutting up the logs.

Go to our web site if you want to see pictures of cleanups from the prior years.

Donations are always welcomed. Use PayPal on our web site or send checks to: Morse Waterways Association
2460 Cape Henry Ct.
Cicero, IN 46034

Thanks for your support of Morse Waterways Association, a nonprofit organization promoting safety and the environment within the Morse Reservoir watershed.

MWA President
Jim Schneider