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P.O. Box 422 Cicero, IN 46034

October News

With the strong September and October rain fall, the reservoir is finally filling back up. As of October 13, the water level is about 18” below the top of the dam. I think we all agree that this was one bad year for boating, fishing and recreational activities since the drought started so early. Let’s hope that 2013 has an abundance of rain.
Please do not blow your leaves in the lake. The leaves contain phosphorous and nitrogen which adds to the growth of blue-green algae and contributes to reduction of oxygen in the water which impacts the fish. The leaves will settle to the bottom of the lake and increase the amount of silt, thus reducing the lake level. Remind your neighbors of these issues. An alternative is to mulch your leaves. The nutrients in the leaves are good for the grass, flower beds and vegetable gardens.
On Wednesday October 24th we will hold our Fall public meeting at Red Bridge Park beginning at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcomed to attend. I think we have some topics that will be of interest to many of you.
We have 3 topics on the agenda.
We will hold elections for 2013 Board of Director positions.
Board member Roger Goings, who is also on the Citizens Advisory Board, will discuss why Morse Reservoir was impacted more by this year’s drought than Geist. And he will give us an update on meetings held with Citizens regarding dredging.
An update on 319 IDEM grant funding available. If you want to check out what kinds of projects might be available for funding, go to the Upper White River Watershed Alliance web site and click on “Cost-Share Program”.
If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to our association, please use the PayPal feature on our web site or make checks payable to Morse Waterways Association and send them to: Jim Schneider, 2460 Cape Henry Ct. Cicero, IN 46034.
Jim Schneider, President – Morse Waterways Association